RAF: Laura Muir

Laura Muir, from Southampton, was among the winners of the RAF Apprentice of the Year award in 2020


Why was the offer of an apprenticeship important to you when you joined the RAF?

The offer of an apprenticeship scheme was very important to me as I did not want to take the conventional route of obtaining qualifications through higher education such as college or university. It allowed me to obtain employment while also continuing to learn.


What does this award mean to you and your family?

I feel very proud and thankful to have been noticed for my work by my chain of command and nominated for this award. After feeling like I was treading water through training, I now acknowledge it has all been worthwhile and I am being recognised and praised for my hard work, which only motivates me more. My family are very proud of me and have supported me from the day I walked into the Armed Forces careers office.


Have any other members of your family served in the RAF or completed an apprenticeship? If so which trade/apprenticeship?

My grandad was called for National Service in the RAF, carrying out a logistics role.


What has been the best or most challenging thing about completing an RAF apprenticeship?

Factoring in the time to complete my apprenticeship while working on the Puma Force at RAF Benson, an operationally fast-paced environment, this was challenging but exciting. I have been paid on a better wage than a civilian apprentice and enjoy all the benefits and lifestyle that the RAF has to offer while completing it.


What would you say to young people considering doing an RAF apprenticeship?

To really consider one, do the research of all the different trades first to see the range of careers the RAF offers. It is important people are educated about the options of what is out there when they leave school and that university isn’t the only path to a successful career.


What are your long-term aspirations for your career in the RAF?

I want to see the world and work in many different environments. I would like to progress through the ranks and work at the Defence College of Aeronautical Engineering to inspire the next generation. I would also like to gain a degree outside of my normal trade boundaries, which would benefit the Service.


What do you like doing in your spare time?

I am really into my fitness. I go to the gym and circuit training in my spare time and I train twice a week at the RAF Benson Boxing Club. I picked up an old skill of skiing last year, which is a winter sport I really enjoy. I enjoy engaging in social events with my peers in my spare time.


For 100 years, the RAF has been producing apprentices. What does it mean to you to be part of this 100-year history?

I am honoured to have been selected for such a prestigious award, especially as it marks the centenary of apprenticeships in the RAF. As a survival equipment specialist, to have been selected above all other technichians within the trade is something so incredible for me. I am very proud of how much I have achieved since I joined up. This has given me a drive to develop myself further and hopefully inspire others.


To find out more about apprenticeship training at the RAF, visit raf.mod.uk/recruitment/apprenticeships

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