Support landscape professionals in designing, planning and managing spaces
As a landscape technician, your main role is to work with and support landscape professionals in designing, planning and managing spaces in both natural and built environments for the benefit of the public, communities, stakeholders and clients. During the landscape technician apprenticeship you’ll use a wide range of technical skills to meet project requirements to help protect, conserve and enhance the environment. In your daily work you’ll be working alongside clients, planners, landscape architects, architects, landscape managers, urban designers, ecologists, engineers, arboriculturists, park managers, local and national government departments, non-governmental organisations, the public, local communities and many others. The work includes a mixture of office based and outdoor activities.
Duration: 24 months
Relevant school subjects: Geography, ICT
Entry requirements for the landscape technician apprenticeship: Depend on employer, but likely GCSEs or equivalent qualifications or relevant experience
Achievement upon completion: Level 3 (Advanced)—equivalent to A-levels
Potential salary upon completion: £25,000 per annum
Find out more: www.apprenticeshipguide.co.uk
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