Raise animals with optimal welfare and consideration for their needs
During the poultry technician apprenticeship, you’ll be responsible for the management and control of a complex farming site or operational agriculture (hatchery) unit, including responsibility for the performance and results of your site, raising animals with optimal welfare and consideration for their needs throughout the different stages of life, complying at all times with hygiene, safety and bird welfare legislation—and customer standards which go beyond legislative compliance, maintenance of the facility, management of the personnel of the site and all other visitors to site. The nature of the process and the need for optimum growth in an exacting time window will require you to develop specific expertise and skills in poultry husbandry relevant to your stage in the supply chain—egg production, rearing, breeding, hatching or growing.
Duration: 18 months
Relevant school subjects: Food technology
Entry requirements for the poultry technician apprenticeship: Depend on employer, but likely GCSEs or equivalent qualifications
Achievement upon completion: Level 3 (Advanced)—equivalent to A-levels
Potential salary upon completion: £23,000 per annum
Find out more: www.apprenticeshipguide.co.uk
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