ACCA UK calls for action on apprenticeships

ACCA UK (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is urging communities to get behind apprenticeships by committing to change and action.

It asks employers, parents, schools, colleges and other training providers to pledge their support of apprenticeships as an alternative entry route for all into the accountancy profession through a campaign called ACCApprenticeships: Pledge for Potential.

The professional body for accountants has been a long-standing champion of apprenticeships for the accountancy profession, as they align with ACCA’s values of inclusion, integrity and innovation, with the potential to fast-track skills development and offer a different route into the world of work in a way that university education cannot.

Claire Bennison, head of ACCA UK said: ‘By making one or more pledges, we can all back the benefits apprenticeships offer to trainees, employers and the economy. It’s a chance to showcase the difference apprenticeships can make within organisations, to improve social mobility and create more opportunities for all. Our Pledge for Potential demonstrates a commitment to apprenticeships and supports young people looking to join the profession as well as those looking to upskill for a new career or change of direction.’

Highlighting the type of pledges that could be made, Claire said: ‘Employers could pledge to offer apprenticeships if they don’t already, or take on more if they do. They could transfer their un-used levy fund to a small/medium sized organisation, to ensure great apprenticeship opportunities are available for all in their local community. ACCA pledges to continue to push government to make the transfer simpler for all businesses and to promote the value of apprenticeships through the UK.

‘Training providers could pledge to help parents and local schools to better understand the apprenticeship opportunities that are available to students, and as a parent governor I’ll commit to speak to schools about apprenticeships; parents could promise to talk to younger family members, like I will, about all of the career pathways available to them after they finish school, not just university.’

ACCA UK also says that by making a pledge, organisations will be able to demonstrate their commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), especially goals 4 and 8 to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’ and to: ‘promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full productive employment and decent work for all.’

To make a pledge, go to ACCApprenticeships: Pledge for Potential.

In England, ACCA offers a Level 4 Accountancy Technician Apprenticeship and Level 7 Professional Accountant Apprenticeship. In Wales, ACCA offers a Level 4 Accountancy Technician Apprenticeship.

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