Sammy-Jo Evans is 19-years-old and training to be an electrical fitter at Stansted Airport with a UK Power Networks apprenticeship
How long have you worked at UK Power Networks?
I started my training in September 2014.
Why did the job appeal?
The company offered a good career path and it was something very different and interesting compared with what I did before. Previously, I was training to be in musical theatre, so singing, dancing and acting, which is definitely not as dirty and mucky, but I’ve loved every minute of my new role.
What advice would you give to somebody who is considering a career as an electrical fitter or a career in the power distribution sector?
Being one of the only women in my team and training group, I would say to any woman that if they are considering this job to go for it. I’ve given 110% and proven that women can do this job as well as men. Powering through is how I got here and now I wouldn’t have picked any other career for myself.
What do you enjoy the most about your role?
I love the new challenges I face every day and I never, ever stop learning something new! Even the guys who have done this job for over 20 years are learning, as new technologies are being brought out.
What can be the most challenging / rewarding element of your role?
It is a good feeling when power is restored on some electrical equipment that we’ve either repaired or maintained. We’re keeping our customers safe because everyone needs electricity. The employees are rewarded well and each employee has an individual performance review with their manager three times a year where they are measured against their personal targets. It’s motivating.
Tell us in three words what it’s like to work at UK Power Networks
Caring, interesting, and rewarding!