Collect, analyse and provide expert interpretation of clinical and specialist scientific data
Clinical scientists lead innovation, research and development with the aim to improve human health, and participate in education and training. You could find yourself working within academic research, public health or teaching, or in the medical equipment industry. The broad purpose of your role is to collect, analyse and provide expert interpretation of clinical and specialist scientific data and make key judgements about complex facts and clinical situations. During the clinical scientist apprenticeship you’ll communicate scientific and clinical information to ensure that the benefits to patients are maximised and any risks minimised. You’ll be responsible for making clinical decisions, if appropriate, and providing scientific advice to patients, clinicians and other healthcare professionals that affect patients in many clinical contexts. Some clinical scientists deliver interventions in patient treatment and may be responsible for patient management. You’ll work across the whole patient pathway in a range of scientific areas, which could include bioinformatics, life sciences, physical sciences or physiological sciences.
Duration: 36 months
Relevant school subjects: Science
Entry requirements for the clinical scientist apprenticeship: Depend on employer, but likely A-levels or equivalent qualifications or experience
Achievement upon completion: Level 7 (Higher)—equivalent to a master’s degree
Potential salary upon completion: £40,000
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