Offer practical help and emotional support to individuals experiencing a range of problems
During the early intervention practitioner apprenticeship you’ll provide person-centred, early intervention approaches and services to support individuals across all age ranges, from pre-birth to end of life. You’ll help people overcome barriers impacting their daily lives, such as alcohol, drug or gambling misuse, behavioural issues, mobility issues and learning difficulties. In your daily work, you’ll interact with the individual, their family and a wider network. You’ll be responsible for identifying the early intervention needs through analysis and assessment; working with partner agencies such as healthcare, education or the police; reviewing outcomes and progress; and ensuring all documentation is maintained and up to date. Other job titles could include assistant social worker, children’s centre staff, family support worker or school inclusion officer.
Duration: 18 months
Relevant school subjects: Science
Entry requirements for the early intervention practitioner apprenticeship: Depend on employer, but likely A-levels or equivalent qualifications or experience
Achievement upon completion: Level 4 (Higher)—equivalent to a foundation degree
Potential salary upon completion: £35,000
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