Responsible for all aspects of the production schedule
During the creative industries production manager apprenticeship, you will take responsibility for all the organisational aspects of a production schedule and budget. You may work in a production office, on set or on stage, in a studio or on location in the UK or internationally. Your role will vary according to the part of the production process you choose to work and specialise in. In production, you’ll support the creative team’s vision, working with the producer, the director, writer, set designer, costume supervisor, theatre technicians, sound recordist, VFX supervisor, animation supervisor and/or camera crew. You are responsible for the practicalities of running a production, including the preparation of schedules or script breakdowns, to ensure that enough time is allocated for all aspects of the process. In post-production and VFX, you’ll provide the link between the production company and the supplier to deliver people and resources to complete the project. You’ll need to be sensitive to the creative process, have negotiation skills, and be able to identify and offer solutions to problems as they occur.
Duration: 18 months
Relevant school subjects: English, drama and maths
Entry requirements for the creative industries production manager apprenticeship: Depend on employer, but likely a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualifications or relevant experience.
Achievement upon completion: Level 7 (Degree)—equivalent to a master’s degree
Potential salary upon completion: £35,000
Find out more: www.apprenticeshipguide.co.uk
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