Safely navigate vessels from sea to berth or berth to sea within the port’s jurisdiction
With safety in mind, a marine pilot trains in the use of vessel navigational and communications equipment, as well as liaising with other vessels and the harbour marine control centre. You’ll also learn to prepare passage plans for the voyages. These take into account the size, draft and operating characteristics of the vessel as well as tides, the marine environment and the weather, and give consideration to any need for tugs to assist the manoeuvring. During the marine pilot apprenticeship you’ll develop knowledge of and the ability to adhere to safe navigational, vessel handling, environmental working practices and international regulations without endangering yourself, the vessel, its crew or the marine environment. You must be able to climb and descend a vertical rope ladder from and to a launch holding position alongside a moving vessel, often in rough weather. You must also be able to use survival techniques in the water.
Duration: 30 months
Relevant school subjects: PE and geography
Entry requirements for the marine pilot apprenticeship: Depend on employer, but must meet certain medical standards of physical health
Achievement upon completion: Level 5 (Higher)—equivalent to a foundation degree
Potential salary upon completion: £30,000 per annum
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