Photographic assistant apprenticeship

Generate original imagery or produce prints from customer-supplied digital imagery

As an apprentice, you may work as an assistant photographer, generating original imagery. You could be employed across a wide range of areas, including social, commercial, government, scientific departments and specialist applications. During the photographic assistant apprenticeship you’ll work both in indoor studios and outside using digital or film cameras, producing stills or video imagery for a wide range of uses. You could also work as a photographic technician, typically in a commercial photo finishing business, high street minilab or in-house processing centre. Your work would involve producing prints from customer-supplied digital imagery. If you work in a specialist area, you could be responsible for processing and printing imagery from photographic films using non-digital equipment. On completion, you may move into further and higher education, or secure employment in the respective sector of the photographic industry.


Duration: 18 months

Relevant school subjects: Art, DT and ICT

Entry requirements for the photographic assistant apprenticeship: Depend on employer

Achievement upon completion: Level 3 (Advanced)—equivalent to A-levels

Potential salary upon completion: £20,000 per annum

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