Ensure the day-to-day operation of the engineering needs of a small vessel
Working in the maritime engineering sector, the categories of vessels you will work with include: fishing vessels, yachts, tugs, workboats, standby vessels, seismic survey vessels, oceanographic research vessels and Government patrol vessels. Regulated by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, as a small vessel chief engineer you’ll be responsible for working on the vessel’s engine and other machinery, as well as the technical side such as heating and ventilation. Typically you could find yourself working for several weeks on board the vessel, followed by a similar length of time on leave. At sea, you’ll monitor the engineering systems and conduct basic repairs. On return from sea you’ll shut down the running machinery and liaise with repair contractors. In your daily work as a small vessel chief engineer apprenticeship, you’ll report directly to the vessel’s master as you conduct your duties in line with health, safety and environmental policy, and company procedures.
Duration: 48 months
Relevant school subjects: DT, geography, engineering
Entry requirements for small vessel chief engineer apprenticeship: Depend on employer, but likely A-levels or equivalent qualifications or relevant experience
Achievement upon completion: Level 4 (Higher)—equivalent to a foundation degree
Potential salary upon completion: £30,000 per annum
Find out more: www.apprenticeshipguide.co.uk
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