Ensure the delivery, security and accessibility of records and other materials
Records are materials which may be analogue or digital and are created or received by a person, family or organisation, public or private, in the conduct of their affairs and might typically consist of letters, maps, documents or emails, which can be both formal or informal. Records management is about controlling the lifecycle of information and allowing it to be available for as long as there is a business or legal need for it. Your role, as archivist and records manager, is to use your professional judgement to support the acquisition, preservation, security and accessibility of records. During the archivist and records manager apprenticeship you’ll research the archives and ensure they are reliable and have been looked after appropriately. You may find yourself working alone and in physically challenging environments, such as heavy lifting, working in low temperatures and working in dirty environments requiring protective clothing when salvaging records.
Duration: 36 months
Relevant school subjects: History
Entry requirements for the archivist and records manager apprenticeship: Depend on employer, but likely a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualifications or relevant experience
Achievement upon completion: Level 7 (Higher)—equivalent to a master’s degree
Potential salary upon completion: £30,000 per annum
Find out more: www.apprenticeshipguide.co.uk
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