Human factors specialist apprenticeship

To make systems, products, tasks, jobs, organisations and work environments better for their intended users. 

Human factors specialists make systems, products, tasks, jobs, organisations and work environments better for their intended users. People are needed to make sure that users of a system or process can perform their tasks safely and effectively, often in demanding and stressful environments. During this apprenticeship you will learn how to identify and manage human factors considerations like personnel and equipment. Human factors specialists make sure that users can perform their jobs safely and to a high standard every time, so you will get hands-on with managing and addressing human-related risks, and identify new opportunities to make working processes easier for people. By the end of the apprenticeship, you should be able to develop safety systems and processes that will protect people, infrastructure, and the environment. Human factors specialists are needed in all kinds of sectors: from designing control rooms in nuclear power plants to avoid human error, to ensuring the comfort of rail passengers by designing new railway carriages. 

Duration: 36 months 

Relevant school subjects: DT, Business, English, Sciences 

Entry requirements for the human factors specialist apprenticeship: Depends on employer, but likely a bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualifications or relevant experience 

Achievement upon completion: Level 7 (Degree) – equivalent to a master’s degree 

Potential salary upon completion: £27,000 

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